One of the most important aspects about the care and attention we pay to our clients is the one related to actions concerning derived procedures such as administrative procedures before government agencies and client-supplier relations. Aware of this, Fulton & Fulton, S.C. has destined a specific area of its structure to deal with all procedures regarding administrative matters, immigration, licitations, contracts and hiring.
Fulton & Fulton, S.C. will provide you with full advisory regarding your rights and obligations. We protect your interests and we prevent risks, harm or diminish to such rights.
Some of the additional services we provide include the following:
• Administrative Procedures
Pursuance, representation and defense on all kind of administrative procedures before Federal, State or Local authorities and other government entities.
• Contracts and Hiring
Advisory and representation on all kind of contracts regardless of them being between private or public entities. Our priority is to focus on prevention and protection for our clients.
• Licitations
Advisory, representation and pursuance on procedures regarding acquisitions, renting, leasing, sales of different kind of assets and goods, services and contracts between our clients and public or private entities.
• Immigration
Our firm provides advisory and representation exclusively to those clients of our specialized areas who wish to obtain Mexican citizenship, change their immigration status, citizenship, civil status or address; labor permits and authorizations for foreign persons who wish to enter the Mexican republic, as well as presentation and pursuance of actions and appeals concerning this matters before the competent authorities. |